It is battle tested, standardized, widely used, have open source servers and apps, end-to-end encryption (OMEMO), self-hostable and are low on ressources and federated / decentralized.

I use it with family and friends. Conversations and on android and Gajim on Linux. There’s also apps for windows and Apple.

Curious if anyone here use it and why, why not?

EDIT: Doh. In these Lemmy times I forgot federated. Added.

    31 year ago

    This is what I’ve been saying for years. Siskin is pretty good these days, but it’s still not perfect (push notifications with OMEMO have no content). It’s really hard to recommend XMPP to people when the iOS experience is kind of bad (with omemo, anyway).

      110 months ago

      I cannot recommend Siskin, as those in my life that have tried it have always experienced random issues. I find Monal to be a better experience in every way, except for the lack of calling support with Conversations.

        210 months ago

        Monal is okay. It chews up battery and recently did some heinous crimes with group chat notifications so I’ve switched to Siskin. Either way… Neither app is perfect. Xmpp is decent on iOS now, but still a little lacking.