• @TheBlue22
    8 months ago

    Reading these comments is fucking insane.

    Calling Hamas “freedom fighters” is an insult to every real current and past freedom fighter in history of mankind.

    Freedom fighters dont choose targets that are exclusively civilian, they don’t hunt down and execute civilians, nit caring about their beliefs or standing. They don’t spread terror among the civilian population. All of these things make the thing they are fighting stronger and puts the rest of the population against them. It’s what terrorists do.

    Why do you think people in the zionist government support Hamas?! Because it serves to justify the hanous things the government does against Palestinians as a whole.

    Real freedom fighters choose infrastructure, smaller military targets (that are reachable), political assassinations of the government officials they are against, et cetera.

    These cause civilian casualties, but the civilian casualties are not the goal, they are the byproduct.

    Palestinians deserve so much more than Hamas, but Hamas won’t let them choose. They silence or kill anyone who disagrees with them, be it Israeli of Palestinian.

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    Fuck Hamas.

    • @Strawberry
      298 months ago

      She did clarify that she was talking about Palestinian civilians filming the missile attacks on civilian homes and such, calling them freedom fighters for documenting atrocities

    • @vacuumflower@lemmy.sdf.org
      8 months ago

      It’s what terrorists do.

      This particular sentence is not entirely correct, as it implies that freedom fighters can’t use terror tactics and thus be terrorists.

      Say, if some Armenian force (there are none that’d have the balls) would bomb the Mingechaur dam, the pipes and infrastructure going through Tovuz, other smaller hydroelectric objects etc in Azerbaijan, - these would be actions aimed at fighting for freedom, but very important part of their effect would be terror.

      In some way any violent activity aimed at denying someone their feeling of safety is terrorism. Like, say, allied bombing campaign of Germany (its goals were even formulated like that).

      I agree that Hamas are not freedom fighters, their ideology is pretty Nazi.

      • @TheBlue22
        8 months ago

        There is again difference between blowing up a strategic dam and attacking a concert full of civilians.

        First can have some actual strategic importance, cutting out energy, interrupting travel, et cetera.

        It causes terror and civilian causalities, but that is again, a byproduct. If the latter is greater than the former it doesn’t add to the revolutionary goal, I would argue it damages it and causes more harm than good for the group.

        Second is pure terror, it serves no purpose for the group, vilianizes them to the public and makes the government they are fighting against stronger.

        Any action that doesn’t help with a revolutionary goal or even detracts from it, is useless.

        Any action with no strategic importance and only creating terror is not only evil, but harms the group more then it helps.

        There is a massive difference between terrorism and freedom fighting.

        I am not saying freedom fighting groups don’t do terrorism, we dont live in a perfect world. What I am saying that terrorism has no benefits and only harms not only the innocent but also the group commiting it.

        • @zbyte64
          18 months ago

          Putting aside whether terror is strategic, taking hostages is a strategy.

          • @TheBlue22
            18 months ago

            Killing houndreds of innocent unarmed civilians isn’t

            • @zbyte64
              18 months ago

              Are you saying if one element of their response isn’t strategic then it doesn’t matter about the rest?

              • @TheBlue22
                28 months ago

                Nope, as I stated otherwise.

                I am saying that non strategic acts harm the cause more than strategic help it.

                Hamas does much more non strategic acts than strategic acts, to such an extent that calling them a freedom fighting group is objectively false.

                • @zbyte64
                  28 months ago

                  Thanks for clarifying.

    • @zaknenou@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      18 months ago

      Hamas hunt down and execute civilians? I mean I’m pro Hamas, but even if you think they are evil, you know they need them for Negotiations and hostage exchange right?

      • @TheBlue22
        18 months ago

        Yes. Literary, yes. Hunting down and killing random civilians was their stated goal.

        They might say that they took the hostages for negotiations, but it’s much more likely they took them as human shields. Just how they always used innocent palestinians.

        It’s funny how you can unironcally say that you are pro hamas. You might as well be pro ISIS or pro Taliban.

        • @zaknenou@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          18 months ago

          Pro Taliban yes, pro ISIS no. They are different things.
          Where did Hamas state their goal is hunting down civilians? Do you follow their Telegram Channel, or that of the spokeperson Abu_'ubaidah or Al-Jazeerah? I mean you can say this is their real goal that you deducted from watching media, but not the stated. Hamas are not even using hate speech against Jews or Israeli group anymore, they declare their enemy as Zionism.
          Besides you say Hamas are using human shields, Hamas actually have a network underground, so they are always away from Israeli bombing and they state that. It is literally a hobby for Netenyaho to bomb Palestinian Civilians to pressure them so they turn back against Hamas, exactly how Terrorist movements work.

          • @TheBlue22
            18 months ago

            Captured documents of hamas fighters clearly state that their targets were mainly civilian.