At least 198 Palestinians killed in Israeli air raids; Hamas attack kills 70 Israelis, ‘big number’ also captured.

      239 months ago

      No this is what happens when terrorists overwhelm a border crossing and stsrt indiscriminately murdering civilians, then carry their mutilated bodies around as literal flags as they celebrate the murder in the street

        409 months ago

        I assume you’ve been just as outraged and outspoken about atrocities carried out by the IDF?

        Is killing civilians fine as long as they don’t do it too “barbarically” for you?

        Should Palestinians just lay back and continue to let the settlers take what little of their homeland they have left? They’re being genocided. They’re fighting back in whatever way they’re capable

      199 months ago

      Yeah this happens daily in Palestine. Suddenly people care what happens over there? Gimme a break

          199 months ago

          It seems your issue isn’t that civilians are dead, but that you are actually paying attention and seeing it now that it’s happening to the colonizers. When it happens in Gaza you don’t pay attention to the images, you don’t empathize with the families destroyed.

          But now there’s a relatively (to all that the IDF has done) small attack from Palestine and suddenly it’s front page news everywhere.

          169 months ago

          “This is WELL beyond anything that Israel has done in the last few decades. Civilians killed during military actions in Gaza are not even remotely similar to this” why? they’re still dead.

            39 months ago

            Exactly. They’re dead. In the end it doesn’t even matter how they died, they’re just dead. Is one way worse? Yes, but the result is still horrific. They. Are. Dead. Noone can take it back. Does it make worse that crowd applauds the killing? Yes. But same goes for the Israeli crowd (like the one in Kneset) applauding killing terrorist together with their families and children…

            The older I am the more disgusted of all the war pigs and warmongers I am. As a teen I scoffled at hippies and their beliefs, today I’d shake their hands. Fuck war, fuck killing, fuck war pigs.