• yukichigai
      159 months ago

      Normally I’d agree, but cigarettes in particular are a product that is designed to be as addictive as possible with a laundry list of negative health impacts and virtually zero positive ones. Combine that with the fact that you aren’t just putting it in your body but the body of anyone within breathing distance of you, there’s a strong case to be made for banning them outright.

      Put it another way, if cigarettes are legal then marijuana, LSD, MDMA, and a whole host of other drugs should be legal too.

      • Rhynoplaz
        289 months ago

        Put it another way, if cigarettes are legal then marijuana, LSD, MDMA, and a whole host of other drugs should be legal too.

        Yes. Yes they should.

      • @seathru@lemm.ee
        9 months ago

        Combine that with the fact that you aren’t just putting it in your body but the body of anyone within breathing distance of you,

        That’s part of responsible use. I’m ok with only letting smokers smoke in specialty ventilated & filtered areas. Easy for me to say, I don’t smoke. But if any adult wants to make an informed decision to, that should be their choice.

        Put it another way, if cigarettes are legal then marijuana, LSD, MDMA, and a whole host of other drugs should be legal too.

        I emphatically agree.

      • Melkath
        59 months ago

        Bruh, you know tobacco is a plant. Right?

        Alcohol needs so much work to be made.

        Tobacco is a plant.

        Just like weed.

          • Melkath
            29 months ago

            That noone “made it” the way it is, and if dudes gonna smoke a plant, let dude smoke a plant.

            • yukichigai
              29 months ago

              Cigarettes != tobacco. Tobacco is an ingredient in cigarettes, and not the only one, not by a long shot. Literally dozens of additives are included in cigarettes, many of which are designed to make them more addictive.

              Secondly, modern tobacco absolutely was “made” the way it is, first through selective breeding and then genetic modification to (among other things) increase Nicotine content. Much in the same way that modern weed is far stronger than the stuff grown 50 years ago, so too is tobacco.

      • discodoubloon
        49 months ago

        Maybe they could just regulate what they put in them instead? Good tobacco is pretty tasty and not insanely addictive. Why not just basically put them in legacy mode?

        They’ve already hit a crazy stride with vapes. Maybe they could do a 5-10 year plan where the clean it up while also gaining the foothold that they have with younger people?

        • Melkath
          99 months ago

          The theory that when you smoke, the nicotine binds to surfaces the smoke touches, causing cancer to anyone who comes near surfaces that nicotine has touched.

          It was a “truth” run around in the 80s as we were discovering the nature of radiation, so lots of war on drug “research” papers got published functionally saying nicotine and radiation are the same thing.

          • @Catoblepas
            69 months ago

            I mean, nicotine does saturate things when you smoke in an enclosed area. It’s impossible to paint over the stained walls of a smoker’s house without chemically stripping them first, because all the accumulated tar will just seep through the paint and leave brown stains. There’s no way that shit’s healthy.

            • Melkath
              9 months ago

              You mistake the word “nicotine” for the word “tar”.

              2 wildly different concepts.

              And thank you captain I have something to add for observing that tobacco is less healthy that a carrot.

              I meant for me. I’m not sure if you were talking about people or real estate.

              • @Catoblepas
                19 months ago

                Are you suggesting that tar doesn’t contain nicotine or other harmful substances found in cigarettes? Because lol.

                That’s okay though, I’m sure you are very special and immune to it.

      • Melkath
        39 months ago

        Can’t tell if you are joking or just that stupid.

        • xigoi
          19 months ago

          But parents are allowed to expose them to the smoke.

          • Rhynoplaz
            29 months ago

            Do we need to ban everything that a shitty parent might not be able to keep away from their kids?

            Why not expand the definition of child abuse to include these things instead of punishing people who are never around kids?

            • xigoi
              19 months ago

              Why not expand the definition of child abuse to include these things instead of punishing people who are never around kids?

              That sounds like a great idea, but it’s going to be impossible to enforce.

    • xigoi
      69 months ago

      Tell that to all the smokers trying to quit who wish their younger self had not started in the first place.