First all the bs with Twitter and Elon, then Reddit having an exodus to Lemmy (not complaining lol), then Twitch. Are we like, in an alternate self healing dimension or something?

  • Grizzzlay
    3811 months ago

    Course-correcting, maybe? Web 2.0 really overstayed its welcome with Facebook/Twitter/Reddit being such dominant websites over the past 15+ years. Various reasons of greed, narcissism, and other factors finally popped the bubble.

    I’m really enjoying the Feder-verse or whatever we’re calling it since decentralization can prevent a lot of this nonsense from ever occuring. It feels like a new approach to the late 90’s era of message boards and such.

      1011 months ago

      Hey I’m new to Federverse, and trying to get my bearings. How can I bring value/help this alternative thrive? Any tips?

        911 months ago

        Just interact with it. Share your thoughts, post comments, make threads. Be nice. Bring friends if you like it.

      711 months ago

      Interest rates stayed at or around 0% for a decade or so. VC money was flowing like beer at a frat party. COVID accelerated that trend and probably pushed sites that had somehow not taken a bunch of VC investors into doing it as everything went online. Now the interest rates have spiked and the VCs want a return on their money.