This miniature is about 1 inch (25mm) tall
The lens I took the shot with is a 35mm f/1.2 projector lens from the Soviet Union
The focus was incredibly hard to nail due to the lens having no aperture control so the depth of field was so small that in this image of you look closely you’ll see his ear is more in focus than his face.
If there’s any more questions I’ll happily answer them.
Hell yeah friend
I printed a barrel to go over this one as well so it would fit in a m42 helicoid so I could focus, unfortunately though infinity on this lens is at 16mm and the only way I can currently get that is literally holding the lens in the open mount hole.
This is what mine currently looks like
Edit: 3D printing is an amazing supplement to any hobby that may end up with some crafting or having to order parts.
Now to see if I can 3D print a helicoid or mount for my camera
With the Lumix you should be able to hit infinity focus. The flange distance is only 20mm
The problem is mostly finding an adapter that lets me slide them lens close enough to the sensor
The lens body is just to wide to fit through the adapter I had for my other m42 lens
But I think I found one that will work it’ll just take a few days to arrive