As Smartphone Industry Sputters, the iPhone Expands Its Dominance::Apple, which is set to release a new iPhone on Tuesday, has increased its share of smartphone sales by converting Android customers and adding teenagers.

  • skymtf
    2 years ago

    I mean google plans on supporting the pixel 8 for a really long time, sampsung provides support for a pretty long time

      2 years ago

      Yeah, and that’s excellent, it’s sad that it took a decade and a half to decide to do so though. Fairphone I believe is setting out to offer security patches for ten years, so whenever I’m swapping out my Pixel 6, that’s probably the company I’m going with.

      Apple has many issues. They’re obviously greedy. I hate their underhanded marketing strategies. Their greenwashing makes me cringe. I hate how hard they cling on to locking down their phones, and I’m glad the EU has stepped in. But they have been offering the best software support on the market.

      My phone is five years old, and I’ve had it for three years. The battery could suffer replacing, but other than that it feels brand new. The only crashes I’ve ever had have been Samsung’s stupid smart home app, and some apps in beta testing. I miss the ability to have two apps open side by side, but that’s the only thing I miss with my Android phone.