Conversation ongoing over there, inviting anyone who wants to participate to please consider sharing their thoughts if they are willing to. If you wanna post in the original thread from your instance copy and paste the link into your instances search panel

As I said in the thread, if you aren’t comfortable posting feel free to DM me here or on matrix and I can post anonymously for you.

  • Kühe sind toll
    79 months ago

    The thing with Lemmy is, that it’s a very “nerd” place. The amount of Linux and science content I see is quite a lot. Women(as from my experience) don’t care about tech or science that much. I don’t really know how to actively change this, but I think with Lemmy growing it may decrease, but I’m not to sure since its the Linux and privacy nerds who are more likely to switch to Lemmy.

      239 months ago

      It’s more that women are harassed out of science and tech than that they don’t care about it.

        18 months ago

        I hear this a lot and while I feel that’s a contributing factor I find it difficult to believe that sexism is the only explanation for the overwhelming male dominance in tech, and both tech and science tend to lean liberal.

          79 months ago

          California has more than average because people in the big coastal cities are less likely to murder their neighbor for being trans than in a lot of other places. So people move to California.

          I don’t think there are very many out trans individuals in tech given that.