First Lady Jill Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Monday night, according to a statement. Jill Biden is experiencing mild symptoms and will stay at their home in Rehoboth Beach, Del., her commu…

  • FfaerieOxide
    110 months ago

    no matter what we did

    And there we go. “It’s going to become endemic no matter what” as an excuse to do nothing.

    • Chetzemoka
      110 months ago

      while simultaneously saying that we should have rigorous control measures in place


      • FfaerieOxide
        110 months ago

        While simultaneously spreading the lie that was used to justify (and is still being used to justify) inaction.

        We could have prevented the situation we are in now.
        We collectively chose to actively make things worse and the lies you are spreading were the exact ones used to justify that course of active inaction.

        • Chetzemoka
          110 months ago

          Epidemiological facts are not lies. How people react and what they choose to do with those facts doesn’t change the facts

          • FfaerieOxide
            110 months ago

            The fact is we could have stopped this with enough political will, we chose not to.

            The choice to do this was defended using the same words you are regurgitating now.
            You should stop.

              • FfaerieOxide
                110 months ago

                Checking if you have a fever? Too bad we didn’t wipe this out when we had the chance, huh?

                • Chetzemoka
                  110 months ago

                  Why do you not believe the experts who said we should do everything we could to control Covid and that even if we did everything we could to control Covid, it would eventually become an endemic infection. What part of that is difficult to understand?

                  I am not an antivaxxer. I completely supported quarantines. Facts about how pandemics work are still facts.

                  • FfaerieOxide
                    110 months ago

                    What part of “You are using antivaxer talking points” do you not get?

                    You are repeating word for word the exact justification that was given for ignoring covid.

                    even if (as you claim) you are not on their side you should not repeat their talking points.

                    We could have not been where we are now. People saying the words you are saying now is why we are were we are and frankly all of you can fuck off.

                    It is possible to control disease.
                    …if you want to at any rate and “It’s endemic!” is the rallying cry of people who don’t want to.