Linked is the community directory. Here’s a list of some of the newest communities:

! - For discussion of all classic books! [New]

! - For discussion of the Percy Jackson series and other books within the books written by Rick Riordan, as well as the media adaptations of said series. [New]

! - A cyberspace for sharing and discussing speculative poetry. [New]

! - A cyberspace for sharing and discussing philosophical poetry. [New]

! - Writing prompts, duh! [New]

! - General writing community. [New]

! - Ebook deals! [New]

Here is a link to the community directory as well.

  • ✨Abigail Watson✨
    10 months ago

    Would anyone be interested in a comic book community? It seems like the other comic communities are being camped on by “mods” with empty accounts. I’m not sure if would allow a majorily image based group.

    • gabe [he/him]OP
      410 months ago

      I wouldn’t mind, comics are absolutely a form of book. But I’m unsure how successful such communities would be since community subscriptions cannot be migrated on lemmy right now.