• @Syrc@lemmy.world
    2110 months ago

    Care to explain what was communist in the event except the name of the party that enacted the massacre and maybe some of the people who died?

    • @bouh@lemmy.world
      210 months ago

      I wonder why an event that happened almost before I was born is so important to some people here. Why aren’t we showcasing how monstrous Hitler was burning people for racism then? That’s far more fitting to the situation of most western countries that are all leaning on fascism and racism. Some western countries like France are not far from crushing protestors with tanks btw.

      But I guess the cold war world of 40 years ago is more comfortable. There was this nice black and white taint where capitalists were the good guys against evil communists. And we must now bring back all the sins of China and USSR to never forget what they did, so can be blind to what’s happening now I guess.

      People throwing “tankies” everywhere are worth no more than any Russian troll honestly.

      • @Syrc@lemmy.world
        1910 months ago

        You didn’t answer my question.

        To answer yours, maybe it’s because Germany has literal museums dedicated to education about the horrors of its past while China tries to hide them and has that same party in power. That’s slightly different.

        Also don’t fool yourself. The Cold War was capitalists against capitalists that called themselves communists. Real communism never existed for more than a week in any country in the world.

        • @bouh@lemmy.world
          110 months ago

          He. If you want to criticise China you should talk about ouïghours or Hong Kong. Tiananmen is irrelevant. It’s as relevant as slavery in the US. Aren’t you busy killing black people these days btw?

          • @Syrc@lemmy.world
            210 months ago

            Definitely not as relevant since you can talk about slavery and it’s widely condemned (by the ruling party, at least).

            I’m also not American, but nice try.

            • @bouh@lemmy.world
              110 months ago

              I don’t care where you live. You’re not Chinese yet you care about tiananmen apparently. But you don’t care about slavery in the US apparently. Nor about fascism eventhough it’s making a comeback in all western countries.

              Which proves my point: tiananmen is not about China. It’s a symbol of communist oppression. And a Godwin point to end any discussion about communism. And a liberal fuck you to all leftists and communists of lemmy. There’s a reason I’ve never read “tankie” before I read lemmy.

              • @Syrc@lemmy.world
                210 months ago

                I care about slavery and I care about fascism. Am I not allowed to care about those things and at the same time about the fact that the second-most populated country in the world is a literal dictatorship?

                Again, there was nothing communist about Tiananmen, nor there is anything communist about the current CCP. It’s just fascism under a different name. Invent a time machine and bring back Marx to see this shit, he definitely wouldn’t be happy about it.

        • @bouh@lemmy.world
          110 months ago

          Forbidden? Hahaha that’s so funny!

          That’s pure anti-china propaganda. Anti-left propaganda even. It’s a Godwin point.

          There’s a saying in French : it’s easier to see the straw on the neighbor nose than the beam you have in the eye.

          If you want to criticised China you should talk about the current, these days genocide they’re doing. Or about Hong Kong. Tiananmen is a Godwin point, in my generation you’d only know about it if you’re exposed to liberal propaganda. Because as a historical event it is irrelevant.