• metapod@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Sorry, but i hate this argument. Any conflict can end if one side accepts the terms of the other side. You can just pick the side you dont like and say “well. They can end it if they do this now”, implying all the destruction is their exclusive responsibility. To make a better assesment of who to blame, you need to get to know what their motives are and any and all context involved. This should be the first step for those seeking peace anyway.

        • metapod@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          Then get yourself some better arguments. You are hurting your cause. More context does not hurt. If you are right, it will prove you right.

      • vzq
        1 year ago

        You’re ruining your own argument here.

        Your argument implies you don’t think Ukraine is an independent sovereign state with a legitimate claim to the territory within its 2014 or 2022 borders.

        Which is, with a technical term, complete bullshit.

        But at the same time, you also accept that making the Russians leave the territory of Ukraine is Ukraine’s only objective. Which is incidentally the only unambiguously valid war objective in international law.

        Together this means that your comment acknowledges that Russia is perpetrating an unlawful act of aggression. This 1-2 is an amazing own goal.

        You really ought to brush up on international relations and the law of international armed conflict before you pontificate like this.

        Or at the very least quote Russia’s ambassador to the UN word for word, since, unlike you, he understands the legally and morally hopeless position his country has maneuvered itself into and knows how to talk around the obvious traps.