First of all, let’s try to avoid American-bashing, and stay respectful to everyone.

I’ll start: for me it’s the tipping culture. Especially nowadays, with the recent post on ! with the 40% tip, it just seems so weird to me to have to pay extra just so that menu prices can stay low.

    11 months ago

    That there are long stretches of road where you can’t get somewhat healthy food. I have been on a road trip across Utah, Nevada, Colorado and Arizona, and outside the big citys you only get junk food at petrol stations, but no fruits, no vegetables. I guess it makes sense because salad or fresh food spoils quick and is expensive to deliver to each and every petrol station, especially if they don’t have a reliable power supply in the middle of nowhere. Never thought about it before. In Germany you can get ice cream, chocolate, cake, salad or a full meal (at gas station prices, and lower quality) on the Autobahn.