There was an issue on Reddit a while back where people would post some hateful stuff, and of course lots of people blocked them.

After a while, anti-trans, racist, and far-right-wing stuff were only seen by non-logged in users, other bigots, or new people, and they weren’t getting the downvotes they deserved.

Is this going to be a problem on Lemmy too? I’m worried that if we’re all blocking shitty users that we’re just hiding the problem from ourselves, not fixing it.

    2611 months ago

    Do you even hear yourself?

    “I’m concerned that there’s gonna be a lot of Nazi stuff on here.” “Step off with your advertiser friendly BS”

    • Aielman15
      1811 months ago

      Agreed. This has nothing to do with advertisers. It’s about creating a community where hate speech is not allowed. Free speech doesn’t include nazi, transphobes and the likes.

    • room_raccoon
      211 months ago

      Mipadaitu actually has a point. They shouldn’t be blocked if that’s just hiding the issue. People should just disagree with them and say so. That way everyone can see there’s only two hateful dickheads in the thread and 500 caring people. What’s wrong with that approach?

        1011 months ago

        The problem with that approach depends on the issue we’re talking about. To continue picking on the Nazis: allowing them to “just ask questions” for example is a great way to allow them to spread their ideology in a way that thoughtful moderation could prevent.

        • room_raccoon
          211 months ago

          If someone reads a few posts and comments and suddenly becomes a Nazi, then that person would have already been a psycho. If you read some ideology then is that going to happen to you?

            1111 months ago

            That’s nonsense - bad ideologies take hold in “normal” people all the time! I’m sure we all have that one uncle who was taken in by all the Q-anon talk, or that one friend who ended up joining a cult.