
Nimona has been in the ever-growing pile of “need to read” books on my shelf, and it finally came up next in my queue. I purchased it last year after hearing it was written and illustrated by the highly esteemed Noelle Stevenson (see: Lumberjanes) and that it would be made into an animated film. That is all I knew about the book when I cracked open the cover. Based on the cover art I assumed the story would contain the following: fantasy, strong female protag, comedy a’la Lumberjanes, and a dollop of sisterhood for good measure.

Does it have some of these elements? Yes and no. Nimona took me completely by surprise in the best possible ways. It is refreshing and truly delightful to read.

  • @jaelisp
    711 months ago

    Just a tiny FYI, the author goes by Nate or ND now, it would be polite to use that over their deadname even if the book was published prior.

    • FiveOP
      411 months ago

      The review was published in 2016 before ND transitioned, I’m old-posting it due to the movie coming out on Netflix recently. Deadnaming is bad, though it’s clearly not malicious on the part of the article’s author.

      Thanks for the note.

      • @jaelisp
        411 months ago

        Ah, a fair point. I did not see the date. Thank you.