In the past, we’ve had issues with women suffrage, slavery, and sanitation, among many other things.

Today we have gun control, AI, intended/unintended false information, vaccines, etc. as consistently hot topics.

In a few decades’ time, what views do you have now that may spark major social debate in the future? What conservative and/or progressive stances do you take today that might be too far on either extreme in the far future?

  • smooth_jazz_warlady
    1 year ago

    Bit late to this, but I have a couple of big ones:

    1. Once brain uploading becomes a thing, the code/data of an uploaded person should be sacrosanct. You can’t look at it, you can’t fuck with it, unless they give you consent to do so.

    2. Once it becomes a possibility, every human should either move off-world or revert back to a hunter-gatherer existence. Humans in general have been a disaster for the biosphere, but especially once we started settling down and farming, and even more so once industrialisation became a thing. Earth needs time to heal from the damage we have done to it, and that means most people + all our industry and technology fucking off into space. Namely into space colonies, big rotating cans of steel the size of large islands, filled with dirt, air, water and artificial biospheres.