• czech
      111 months ago

      Democrats control the mass media,

      This is delusional. Fox news is the largest “news” organization in America by a wide margin.

        • czech
          211 months ago

          Fox is only centrist by American conservative standards. The positions they support are considered far-right by most of the developed world outside of the middle-east and china.

            • czech
              411 months ago

              I have no idea about the rest of the world

              I believe it. What I’m saying is that from your insular experience you wouldn’t realize that what you consider “centrist” is actually “far-right”.

              In reality the largest news organization in America is “far-right” with some smaller extremist-right orgs. What you consider “leftist” is actually “centrist” by developed-nation standards. You can go on calling it what ever you like but it has no basis in reality outside of conservative echo chambers.

                • czech
                  211 months ago

                  No, I get it. You are not going to let facts get in the way of your conclusions. You don’t sound dismissive you seem uninformed. That’s fine and on brand with the positions you’ve shared.

    • danhakimi
      9 months ago

      lol. “He does not represent the voice of conservative Americans. I mean, conservative Americans love him and want to vote for him and boo anybody who wants to run against him, especailly in Republican-party-controlled spaces, but that’s all liberals’ fault, no true conservative likes Trump.”

      also, weird to focus on religion, but: https://web.archive.org/web/20201024120658/https://religionnews.com/2020/10/23/exclusive-trump-confirmed-a-presbyterian-now-identifies-as-non-denominational-christian/