Are you able to just kind of socialize and get involved in stuff without as many second thoughts? Or make and share stuff with less of an imposter syndrome or whatever you might call it when you’re uncomfortable being associated with your work?

Or is it like so many things, where it kind of depends on how things are going that day?

  • AdaA
    1 year ago

    I’ve always had positive self image, so I’m not sure how to give a meaningful comparison.

    For what it’s worth though, that doesn’t mean I’ve always had great mental health. I have struggled with self flagellation regarding my ADHD and my orientation. There are parts of me I wish were different. But none of those things have ever made me think that I, the person behind all of that is unworthy or unlovable.

    I see my imperfections, and even though I sometimes see them inaccurately through an overly negative lens, even then, they’re only parts of my story and who I am, and I overall, I love the person I am.

    That doesn’t directly address some of your questions, but hopefully it helps in giving some insight in to another perspective.