• @gutternonsense@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Do you want to survive the next 50 years? Yes, the planet will be fine. Do you want some semblance of government that can manage day to day migration crises for want of food, lack of water, and oh yeah, continuous war over basic resources. But yes, the planet will be fine.

    What about your children or if no child, your families descendants or any future human for that matter to enjoy what we’ve been spoiled with for our entire lives? And yes, I know… The planet WILL be fine. But we won’t be and a lot of other species will go well before us… Many have gone already.

    • @Strawberry
      311 months ago

      This person is so enlightened that they probably don’t see the difference between stubbing one’s toe and global nuclear annihilation

      • @Strawberry
        311 months ago

        So you’re frustrated by climate change alarmists because even if civilization collapses there will still likely be humans in a cave somewhere, and the octopus might have a shot at taking over the world?

        Fortunately most people aren’t so horribly misanthropic; we actually care what happens to people.