Hello all,

Wanted to open a discussion on Lemmy’s post sorting options right now. I don’t have any experience with implementing this type of thing but right now the algorithm appears… Off? For example, ‘Active’ gives me a lot of posts over a day old but ‘Hot’ may as well be ‘New’ i.e. more recent posts with little engagement.

I don’t know if it’s due to Lemmy still picking up steam or a fundamental flaw with the algorithm. Like I said, I’m really curious to hear the opinions of those more knowledgeable.

  • @kurosawaa@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think having “Active” as default is unfortunate too, if a new user sees the top post was from two days ago they might assume the whole platform is inactive, since they can’t see that a new comment was added just seconds ago from that page view. Having “Hot” as the default would probably be better since those are usually newer posts with at least a few comments.

    • None of the megaguides I’ve seen actually show how to use the mobile apps/sites. I’ve been told what the Fediverse is and how it works enough times to build the backend myself, but I have no clue how to navigate.

    • Deebster
      71 year ago

      I noticed one of the Lemmy instances recommending everyone change their settings to use ‘hot’ by default in their site rules sidebar. Makes sense, the many instances look a lot more lively that way.

    • RQG
      61 year ago

      That might be true. I’m glad you can set your own defaults but having the starting fknfkg to be a generally useful one is a good idea. Im curious if people find Local to be a good default? Subscribed doesn’t make sense I guess because you start out with no subscriptions. But maybe all is nice to find new communities and explore?

      • @kurosawaa@lemmy.world
        61 year ago

        Maybe instance owners could have a recommended subscriptions option that new users could default to. That way new users can experience seeing content on other instances right away. Different instances with different standards could customize their new user experience.