Fpv has a very storied history, yet we don’t see these bombings in peacetime. Like fucking ever. Even in the U.S.
Its almost like pre-made drones are locked down and tracked, and homemade fpv quads take like 20 hours of sim time just to keep in the air.
That’s before we discuss the fact that the munitions Ukraine straps to them are unobtanium for normal people.
This is really cheap if you’re a military with a bunch of people, training facilities, and explosives, but still a big pain in the ass for anyone else. I guess if you have a really angry hobbiest with hundreds of man hours of flight time, and explosives knowledge you’re in danger.
The only RC hobbiest that pissed off I know lives in New Zealand.
Its almost like pre-made drones are locked down and tracked, and homemade fpv quads take like 20 hours of sim time just to keep in the air.
While I agree with most of your sentiments here, I think these two statements are a bit hyperbolic…
DJI drones are locked down and possibly “tracked,” or at least they were up until recently. But my off-brand drone certainly isn’t, and it’s not like I had to do anything more special to get it than slouch up to B&H Photo/Video with my credit card.
Kit components for FPV drones are extremely capable these days and even entry level control boards are perfectly capable of keeping a homebrew flyer in the air or hovering stably without any skill from the operator required whatsoever other than reading the documentation far enough to run the calibration procedure before rocketing off into the sky. The only barrier to entry there is managing not to crash into stuff, or being smart enough not to yank the left stick all the way when you’re directly under a tree.
I have a micro drone with absolutely no pilot aids whatsoever – No obstacle avoidance, no GPS, no sonar, no head tracking, no nothing. It did not take me 20 hours of sim time to figure out how to keep it aloft. It took me about 20 seconds, after plugging the battery in and pairing the transmitter.
Fpv has a very storied history, yet we don’t see these bombings in peacetime. Like fucking ever. Even in the U.S.
Its almost like pre-made drones are locked down and tracked, and homemade fpv quads take like 20 hours of sim time just to keep in the air.
That’s before we discuss the fact that the munitions Ukraine straps to them are unobtanium for normal people.
This is really cheap if you’re a military with a bunch of people, training facilities, and explosives, but still a big pain in the ass for anyone else. I guess if you have a really angry hobbiest with hundreds of man hours of flight time, and explosives knowledge you’re in danger.
The only RC hobbiest that pissed off I know lives in New Zealand.
While I agree with most of your sentiments here, I think these two statements are a bit hyperbolic…
DJI drones are locked down and possibly “tracked,” or at least they were up until recently. But my off-brand drone certainly isn’t, and it’s not like I had to do anything more special to get it than slouch up to B&H Photo/Video with my credit card.
Kit components for FPV drones are extremely capable these days and even entry level control boards are perfectly capable of keeping a homebrew flyer in the air or hovering stably without any skill from the operator required whatsoever other than reading the documentation far enough to run the calibration procedure before rocketing off into the sky. The only barrier to entry there is managing not to crash into stuff, or being smart enough not to yank the left stick all the way when you’re directly under a tree.
I have a micro drone with absolutely no pilot aids whatsoever – No obstacle avoidance, no GPS, no sonar, no head tracking, no nothing. It did not take me 20 hours of sim time to figure out how to keep it aloft. It took me about 20 seconds, after plugging the battery in and pairing the transmitter.