I have a Logitech mouse, got it before a while ago before I dedicated everything to Linux, and fuckin Logitech software is required for me to set a button on the mouse for a macro for auto clicking.

Does anybody know how to make 2 of my mouse buttons auto click, one right mouse and the other left click. I have prob with my hands so games that require needing to click fast is hard on me. I have tried Piper but it didn’t seem like a way to do that.

Does anybody know how to setup my Logitech mouse to auto click for desktop mode, I know a little about Linux and command line but honestly I’m really ad at it.

  • thezeesystemOP
    3 days ago

    I have a g502 hero, Piper won’t install because ratbagd can’t get installed via flat pack, solar works, but no clue how to use it for what I need. mind telling me how you did it?