A lot of people point out that it doesn’t make any sense that Harry and Ron didn’t like their schoolwork. Well I figured out why:

It’s because the magic system is just as boring in-universe as out of universe. It doesn’t make any sense in universe either. Harry and Ron realised Rowling’s magic system kinda stinks way before we did, because they spent all day learning it.

If Sanderson had been writing Harry Potter, then Harry and Ron would have liked learning magic as much as Hermione did (Also, Sanderson actually DID write a book about a super-school, it’s called Skyward, it’s good)

  • prole
    8 hours ago

    I think I was thinking of sympathy when I wrote that comment… It was more than just akin to voodoo, but yeah def similar. I just like how he described the practice of it, and what was going on in Kvothe’s mind as he did it.

    Had to look it up, I’m specifically referring to “Alar”: https://kingkiller.fandom.com/wiki/Alar

    Splitting your mind into several parts and being able to hold different, often conflicting, realities as true in order to affect the physical world… Thought that was neat.