Hello SquaredCircle! Welcome to our Weekly Discussion Thread!

What have you watched lately? Seen any great matches? Have suggestions for things to watch? Anything not getting covered in other threads that ya wanna fill people in about? Questions about promotions, wrestlers, ‘the business’ or more?

Feel free to post below!

(Reminder, this thread can and will contain spoilers for possibly any show. Spoiler tags are not required in here, but if the show just happened try and keep spoiler talk it to its respective discussion thread for the first day).

  • ImADifferentBird
    1 month ago

    You know, I’ve been thinking about how AEW keeps trying and failing to “restore the feeling”. And I think the big reason they can’t is that “the feeling” had little to do with the in-ring product at all.

    AEW, when it first started, was the promotion for wrestlers by wrestlers. The Elite were the faces of the promotion (hell, the place is named after them), and Tony Khan was more of a silent partner than anything. As TK has taken more of an active, public-facing role in the promotion, it has detracted from that feeling. He may be a wrestling superfan, but he’s not a wrestler, and he damn sure isn’t The Elite. As well, there’s still the shadow of CM Punk that never quite went away. AEW used to be the place where everyone got along and worked to create the best show they could without the politics, but Punk destroyed that image, whether he cracked that foundation or merely exposed the cracks that were already there.

    I still love AEW, it’s still the only promotion I watch on a weekly basis, but it’s undeniable that they’ve lost something important. And I don’t know if it’s something they could ever get back. I certainly don’t see how they could.