Hello SquaredCircle! Welcome to our Weekly Discussion Thread!

What have you watched lately? Seen any great matches? Have suggestions for things to watch? Anything not getting covered in other threads that ya wanna fill people in about? Questions about promotions, wrestlers, ‘the business’ or more?

Feel free to post below!

(Reminder, this thread can and will contain spoilers for possibly any show. Spoiler tags are not required in here, but if the show just happened try and keep spoiler talk it to its respective discussion thread for the first day).

  • Zero22xx
    1 month ago

    Just finished the first match for the ‘Future of Stardom’ championship, I’m guessing these ladies are kinda like young lions or in the development division. Seems like a great match to start with and give me someone to follow on their upward arc.

    I honestly zoned out most of the commentary and Pink Devil did a victory speech at the end that sounded snarky and cocky as fuck. I’m honestly thinking I could just get by with looking up old reviews afterwards, and looking up any specific wrestler I’m interested in though.

    And I’m glad to hear that I seem to have chosen a time to start when problematic management has just been ousted.

    • GeekFTW@lemmy.zipOPM
      1 month ago

      Just finished the first match for the ‘Future of Stardom’ championship, I’m guessing these ladies are kinda like young lions or in the development division. Seems like a great match to start with and give me someone to follow on their upward arc.

      For rookies yeah. FoS is a title fought for by those who have less than 3y of wrestling experience (or are under 20yo regardless of experience level, iirc). Gives a good idea of who the company sees something in despite being rookies, and is usually defended on New Blood shows (which are for rookies, junior members of the roster, and freelancers/visitors from other companies).

      I honestly zoned out most of the commentary and Pink Devil did a victory speech at the end that sounded snarky and cocky as fuck.

      Rina is a little brat I love her lol. She’s one of the youngest on the roster so she calls everyone else old hags lol.

      • Zero22xx
        1 month ago

        I’m about halfway through now. Probably gonna do part 2 later.

        Hope you don’t mind me dumping this here, just gotta say, so far it looks like I’m gonna be liking everyone from Oedo Tai based on first impressions. But God’s Eye also looks like a faction to keep an eye on. Also I’m immediately a fan of Saya Iida “Gorilla Power” lol.

        • GeekFTW@lemmy.zipOPM
          1 month ago

          Not at all, more Stardom discussion is always welcome!

          Saya is one of the most underrated people. Shes strong as hell, and has a habit of getting her hoodie stuck in the rafters (you’ll come across them when they happen lol), but Rossy saw nothing in her and she was a pin eater for the longest time. You’re watching her do her best work right now.

          • Zero22xx
            1 month ago

            Just finished. A 5 hour runtime (minus two pre show matches) is actually pretty brutal, so I ended up taking multiple breaks. But I’m definitely in. It has everything from flippy rookies to hoss legends and in between.

            Realised that Oedo Tai aren’t simply trouble causers and tweeners but full heels (although cool heels). So I’m probably going to be loving to hate them. Kinda pissed with them now after the way they turned on Starlight Kid lol.

            I’ve got quite a few first impression favourites so far. Although I haven’t looked up translations or too much info yet, so I don’t really know them yet. I don’t want to spoil current storylines or champs before I get there, so I guess I’m just gonna go low information for now. But it’s enough to hook me. Now I just hope it’s not going to be too much trouble looking for shows between then and now.

            • GeekFTW@lemmy.zipOPM
              1 month ago

              Realised that Oedo Tai aren’t simply trouble causers and tweeners but full heels (although cool heels). So I’m probably going to be loving to hate them. Kinda pissed with them now after the way they turned on Starlight Kid lol.

              Oh yeah lol. They are really the only full on heel stable in Stardom, but they do a good job at it. Don’t worry too much about SLK though, no spoilers but she’ll be fine.

              I don’t want to spoil current storylines or champs before I get there, so I guess I’m just gonna go low information for now.

              For the best. There’ll be…well I don’t wanna say a lot of changes over the year but a decent bit which you’re just starting right now and you’ll see soon!

              • Zero22xx
                1 month ago

                Nice! I’m honestly itching to get to the rest of it now. Thought I’d start catching up with NXT but I’m just in the mood for more Stardom at this point.

                If you don’t mind me asking a quick question. I’ve made myself a quick list of all the big events from where I am to current day based on this Wikipedia page, while ignoring any results as best I could. Looks like a good excuse to catch a NJPW show here and there and finally check out Rev Pro. Then apart from the big events, from what I’ve gathered their weekly show is ‘We Are Stardom!!’ and that runs on weekends? Am I correct with that and is this basically everything I need to know?

                • GeekFTW@lemmy.zipOPM
                  1 month ago

                  I’d say you pretty much got it. As for We Are Stardom, it’s more of a ‘1-2 months behind recap show’ (watched an episode from a week or two ago and I think it was covering late Nov/early Dec-ish?). It’s your "I dont follow Stardom regularly and don’t keep up with the news about shows but would still like to watch the occasional wrestling match’ program essentially. I forget how the subtitles are on it or if it covers promos (if it does its another helpful avenue for those), but match wise I wouldn’t worry too much about it since you’ll already be watching those matches in full during the events.

                  Beyond that you pretty much got it. There’ll be the odd NJPW show and Rev Pro show as you said, some AEW/ROH appearances for the odd person like Mina, AZM, Hanako, etc. Later in the year there’ll also be some other interpromotional fights (once things got up and running at a good pace under Okada as the booker they opened up the ‘forbidden door’ a bit more and have had more people from Sendai Girls/Diana/Wave/Oz/etc come by, as well as sending Stardom women to their promotions to win/defend titles.

                  • Zero22xx
                    1 month ago

                    Nice, thanks for all the info. And I’ve actually just found another ‘watch-wrestling’ website (this one with a hyphen) that has Stardom and a lot more Japanese stuff on offer than the old watchwrestling website I’ve been using. And it seems to list everything here in a handy chronological list. So looks like I’m set.

                  • Zero22xx
                    1 month ago

                    I need to ask just one more question if you don’t mind lol. Just started watching ‘GoldenWeek’. I don’t think I saw this listed (amongst a couple of other things here) on that Wikipedia page. And on the steam I’m watching at least, there’s no commentary or match graphics / stats. And the sound quality is pretty weird, like the ring is loud and you can even hear the vinyl of their ring gear squeaking. At least in this first match I’m watching so far.

                    Are these kinds of shows basically just house shows that they’ve recorded? Or should I expect any story and rivalry developments here?