This community is housed on an instance run by two trans women, focused on the needs of the queer and gender diverse community.

We allowed 196 here because we were promised the community is queer and trans inclusive.

If you’re here it’s because you’re aggressively supportive of trans folk. Not middle of the ground, not “just asking questions”.

If your response to that is, “yes, but…” then this isn’t the instance for you, and by extension, this isn’t the community for you.

tl;dr - Unambiguous support and inclusion, or fuck off somewhere else.

Edit - I changed the phrase "aggressive support to “unambiguous support”, as there was some confusion over the intent behind my previous phrasing.

    • @LadyAutumn
      71 year ago

      Cis people have every other fucking space in the world. This one is meant to be safe for gender minorities. Cis people can go to any of the other instances on lemmy and talk all about their preferences with regards to trans people.

        • @LeylaaLovee
          41 year ago

          Nobody is asking for your opinion but you keep butting in with concern trolling even after people explain the issue to you. Fuck off dude

        • @LadyAutumn
          11 year ago

          That doesn’t change literally anything. No one on this instance should be encouraging that, and it should be removed when and where it comes up. Again, this isn’t just any instance its one meant to be safe for us specifically. I don’t care who brought it up, cis people discussing their sexual preferences towards trans people can do so on any of the other instances that are not safe spaces for us.