I have one outstanding order that is already out for delivery. Once I get that, I’m closing my amazon account. I’m done. Buy nothing. Vote with your wallet. Edit: account is closed. get bent Bozos.

  • charisma_ken
    2 months ago


    Surprise! Heroku is hosted on Amazon Web Services and has been for many years.

    If you have some technical ability you can try self-hosting https://dokku.com/ which is open source and free to use on hardware that you pay for.

    “Powered by Docker, you can install Dokku on any hardware. Use it on inexpensive cloud providers.”

    Pick a VPS host. https://www.eucloud.tech/eu-providers/vps-hosting

    “Once it’s set up on a host, you can push Heroku-compatible applications to it via Git. They’ll build using Heroku buildpacks and then run in isolated containers. The end result is your own, single-host version of Heroku.”