• prole
    2 months ago

    and then switching to someone who wouldn’t denounce the crisis in Palestine.

    Why do people here think they deserve to be catered to?

    I support Palestine and I’m completely against Israel’s genocide.

    However, I’m not delusional. I understand the (voting) demographics in the US. And given the track record of progressive voters and parties (that is: completely uninvolved at every level, and crawling out of a hole every 4 years to be a spoiler candidate, only to vanish for another 4 years, respectively), I have no expectation that one of the two major parties in our bullshit two party system, is going to cater to or pander to my pet issues. No matter how important they may be. Why the fuck would they? We’re not even a real voting bloc.

    Leftists seem to think that they’re just entitled to representation without doing a single fucking thing to create it. Instead they just whine about other people on the left (yes, including Democrats).