Don’t read the next one if you’re too weak for fetish porn!
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Some people, including men, have been successfully inserting life-size fetus toys, for which they “gave birth to”. This stunt not only needs an extreme amount of training (like triple-fisting almost), but also a condition called megacolon, and anal birth porn is quite rare, with siswet being one who did such a feat (as a woman).
Giving birth through your ass would be horrible tho, so in this case I’d pick the abortion.
Ah, so you’re a “outta my dickhole or nohole” kinda fella
C section all the time!
That’s unnatural, son. You either have a natural birth or you die trying like a real man!
Nah. They’ll vomit the kitten up when it’s time.
Tell me you take small dumps without telling me you take small dumps
I’d imagine it to be comparable in pain level to giving birth through a vagina. Though the smaller pelvis would definitely be a problem…
Idk, I’ve never seen an ass stretched out the size of a melon.
And no, I don’t want to see it, thank you!
Don’t read the next one if you’re too weak for fetish porn!
Tap for spoiler
Some people, including men, have been successfully inserting life-size fetus toys, for which they “gave birth to”. This stunt not only needs an extreme amount of training (like triple-fisting almost), but also a condition called megacolon, and anal birth porn is quite rare, with siswet being one who did such a feat (as a woman).
Well then, I’m sorry to do this to you…