… , because it feels like sentiment clarification must be included and tone tags and emoji can’t cover all possible ways a reader might find to still misinterpret a statement. (or the statement carries a hidden meaning that I never realize existed, or I have made a fool of myself for accidentally quoting something someone has said in a completely unrelated situation and somehow I still think providing more context would fix that)

  • copygirl
    1511 months ago

    I’ve noticed myself using a lot of parenthesis, sort of to better represent my thoughts as I’m trying to put them into words. Lately, I’ve tried to use them less, because I’m not sure how well it comes across to things such as screen readers – or just in general. So now I use dashes instead.

      • @positiveWHAT@lemmy.world
        711 months ago

        That’s a hyphen (-), not a dash – which I just learnt to type.

        alt+0150 (number typed on the numeric keypad)

        • copygirl
          511 months ago

          For me (on Linux) it’s RAlt + -.

      • copygirl
        411 months ago

        I tend to use it when a comma is already in use in that same sentence – or if I’m trying to be fancy.