Sorry if this is different from my usual posts. I’m just reflecting on how I never fully open up to people. I say a lot of private shit that most people don’t talk about, but I never take real risks. I never take chances or let myself believe that feelings could ever be reciprocated.

I’ve acted in less fortunate ways in the past when I fall for someone (Not anything serious, just being a bit creepy and obsessive). I’m always scared of turning people off, so I never even let myself care or become attached. I hold people at arms length and never reach out in the first place. I’m afraid of caring, because caring hurts in a way simple rejection doesn’t.

I hope to let myself swim with the current more next year. I’ve never believed in myself like I do now. I know I’m resilient and capable of more than it feels like I am. I need to take the plunge and get hurt, because it sucks not swimming. Hell, maybe I’ll finally swim again now that I’m less repulsed by my body. I hope to rock a swimsuit at least once this summer

  • Nat (she/they)
    2 months ago

    I’ve found befriending autistic people easier because I’m less scared they’ll think I’m being creepy. I do weird things and they get it <3

    • TotallynotJessicaOPM
      2 months ago

      I’m beginning to realize that every person I click with has ADHD or autism. If someone is neurotypical, I just can’t fully jive with them.