I also dislike the look of the plastic water cooler, but it’s resourceful should you have the water cooler jugs anyway. I don’t and I don’t have access to em. That said, I bet I can fashion something similar out of other materials, though I’m curious if the transparent-ness of the plastic is helpful for the plant.
It looks sorta similar to a terracotta pot I’ve seen someone use for growing strawberries on a patio.
yeah for sure, I thought of the same thing. its clear that the transparent plasric is goo in that the sinlight van hit one side and nourish all of the plants without shadow
You can rotate it periodically to give sunlight to all sides, but on my balcony thats not really that necessary. We have strong sun and when its high in the sky it hits everything
I will say I agree with your distaste for plastics, and try to avoid it around foodstuffs. I think @rwdf is likely right, and we will look back on our plastic use with dread in the future. It’s just to ubiquitous now that we don’t even think of it.
But I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade. This is a great example of thrift and self reliance.
I also dislike the look of the plastic water cooler, but it’s resourceful should you have the water cooler jugs anyway. I don’t and I don’t have access to em. That said, I bet I can fashion something similar out of other materials, though I’m curious if the transparent-ness of the plastic is helpful for the plant.
It looks sorta similar to a terracotta pot I’ve seen someone use for growing strawberries on a patio.
yeah for sure, I thought of the same thing. its clear that the transparent plasric is goo in that the sinlight van hit one side and nourish all of the plants without shadow
You can rotate it periodically to give sunlight to all sides, but on my balcony thats not really that necessary. We have strong sun and when its high in the sky it hits everything
Can’t spell jugaad without jug, after all (see manifesto).
I will say I agree with your distaste for plastics, and try to avoid it around foodstuffs. I think @rwdf is likely right, and we will look back on our plastic use with dread in the future. It’s just to ubiquitous now that we don’t even think of it.
But I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade. This is a great example of thrift and self reliance.