Artists, merch sellers, and journalists making and posting Luigi media have become the targets of bogus DMCA claims.

  • SkyeStarfall
    1 month ago

    Maybe so, but it’s also like “is this really the hill you want to die on?”

    What “maturity” is is a complicated and nuanced subject. Hell, some 50 year olds are less mature than 16 years old, what implications might that have? Not to mention how to even quantitatively measure maturity. You’re getting out in the weeds in a similar way of how you would regarding intelligence

    At some point you just have to pick your poison, and saying “18 years is the age of consent” and strong protections for victims is considered good enough for most.

    Edit: on re-reading, you didn’t say what I thought you said, that’s my bad, either way, I’ll keep this comment up assuming that stallman was arguing for changing age of consent laws.

      1 month ago

      Wild to assume that and not the much more reasonable idea that he was pointing out how absolutely insane it is that a couple can be making love in one area and cross an imaginary line and suddenly it’s rape because one of them is 17 and the other 19.

          1 month ago

          After reading the entire section I still don’t think I see your point of view. He says clearly that the girl was being harmed and doesn’t defend Epstein, in fact, criticizes him. It’s gross, but seems accurate to assume Epstein would have made his victims lie and act.

          • SkyeStarfall
            1 month ago

            My point was that the context was about age of consent laws. I believe stallman backtracked afterwards a little, but he also has a history of skeevy behaviour, so I don’t know how much benefit of the doubt he should be given

            Either way, the point was more regarding the whole “this is the hill you’re willing to die on?”, he could have just kept his mouth shut

            I’m not really invested in the conversation regarding stallman, there are a couple of other additional reasons why I’m uncertain about him, but I leave this stuff to the organizations and the people affected. I just tried providing more context for the whole thing surrounding stallman, and why this stuff is not baseless