They’ve set up a situation where they can basically choose when and to whom, the law will apply. This is exactly what Republicans want.
This will be a defining feature of the upcoming Trump regime. You may have heard your Fox News watching relatives mention “lawfare” when talking about Trump being a criminal… Well it’s more projection because it is exactly what they will be doing moving forward.
As it always is with conservatives, they are incapable of understanding that someone might not be a complete piece of shit like they are, so in their minds, everyone must be doing the thing that they want to be doing.
They’ve set up a situation where they can basically choose when and to whom, the law will apply. This is exactly what Republicans want.
This will be a defining feature of the upcoming Trump regime. You may have heard your Fox News watching relatives mention “lawfare” when talking about Trump being a criminal… Well it’s more projection because it is exactly what they will be doing moving forward.
As it always is with conservatives, they are incapable of understanding that someone might not be a complete piece of shit like they are, so in their minds, everyone must be doing the thing that they want to be doing.