Propaganda of the deed, or propaganda by the deed, is a type of direct action intended to influence public opinion. The action itself is meant to serve as an example for others to follow, acting as a catalyst for social revolution. It is primarily associated with acts of violence perpetrated by proponents of insurrectionary anarchism in the late 19th and early 20th century, including bombings and assassinations aimed at the state, the ruling class in a spirit of anti-capitalism, and church arsons targeting religious groups, even though propaganda of the deed also had non-violent applications. These acts of terrorism were intended to ignite a “spirit of revolt” by demonstrating the state, the middle and upper classes, and religious organizations were not omnipotent as well as to provoke the State to become escalatingly repressive in its response.

  • PyroNeurosis
    3 months ago

    No? These are anticipated outcomes that demonstrate to the more oblivious sections of society that the government doesn’t really care about them and motivate them to move against it.

      3 months ago

      what they did with that woman really hits home. arrested with 100k bond for being upset about a bad situation and saying something improper with a charge that usese the word terrorism.