One of my new friends is/was a cop. Just found out about it. I genuinely believe ACAB, and this news has me conflicted because my new friend seems really cool and super nice. I don’t know him super well yet, though. He’s a big part of this new friend group and I don’t know how to process this and how to deal with the fact he’s a cop.

I don’t want to look past the fact he’s a cop, but I want to stay his friend and stay in this friend group.

Any advice for dealing with this shit?

I can’t talk to my therapist about it until Thursday.

  • Kit
    3 months ago

    I used to be besties with a cop. He was a good guy for a while, but then he had a hernia and got prescribed pain meds. And then he started getting invited to cop parties where they all swapped pills, and he got addicted to hard things. It changed him entirely - he became aggressive and scary to be around, so I told him my thoughts and told him that I didn’t want to be around him. He didn’t take it well, and I felt scared.

    Be careful. Imagine how bad things could be if he decided he hated you and wanted to put the weight of his authority against you. It could be too dangerous to be worth it.