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Is there a community for peertube similar to ! I feel like peertube could really use some sort of lemmy driven community engagement. Particularly because it integrates so well into lemmy. It reminds me of an old extension that would replace youtube comments with reddit discussions when available.

    21 year ago

    I haven’t seen any PeerTube content shared on Lemmy. Can anyone tell me if it integrates into timelines etc well or have an example post?

    I think getting video content onto Lemmy is a hurdle that needs to be overcome. Video streaming is a huge server load though and utilising PeerTubes P2P capabilities to distribute that load throughout the user base would be an excellent solution if it can all be integrated in a way that’s user friendly.

      • Undearius
        11 months ago

        I was curious how Lemmy integrated with Peertube. This is the first I’ve seen about it, that’s awesome!

        It seems like comments aren’t shared from Peertube to Lemmy.