There are types of loans that require 0% down. It’s difficult, though, because monthly payments will be higher. Still a valid approach in some parts of the country. I managed to buy my first home this way with no help from my parents - and yes it was in the Midwest where no one wants to live.
No down payment on a cheap loan can be worth it in the long run, particularly if you can get under the principle quickly and refinance to a better rate.
But it carries bigger risks than a traditional fixed rate 30 year with a standard down
There are types of loans that require 0% down. It’s difficult, though, because monthly payments will be higher. Still a valid approach in some parts of the country. I managed to buy my first home this way with no help from my parents - and yes it was in the Midwest where no one wants to live.
No down payment on a cheap loan can be worth it in the long run, particularly if you can get under the principle quickly and refinance to a better rate.
But it carries bigger risks than a traditional fixed rate 30 year with a standard down