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Because I’ve been eating rice more often I realized via my energy bill that cooking in a pot on an electric plate for 30 minutes consumes massive amounts of electricity. Therefore I’m currently browsing for rice cookers, but the info on energy efficiency leaves much to be desired.

What would be the most efficient method to cook brown rice? Which appliance would be recommendable and ideally be in line with the Buy It For Life philosophy?

  • BougieBirdie
    4 months ago

    I’ve always understood rice cookers to be most energy efficient. If I had to guess why, it’s probably a factor of insulation and their precision of temperature control. Less heat is lost versus the stove top.

    Admittedly, that’s mostly a hunch. But even if my opinion here is misinformed, the convenience factor of the rice cooker can’t really be overstated.

    I don’t know if I have a BIFL recommendation. I got a mid-tier one to see if I liked it and would use it, and usually when buying my first appliance of a new kind longevity isn’t my biggest concern. But now I know I won’t go back to making rice on the stove top, so for my next one I’d hope to buy it for life.

    Mine is an Arrow Professional Plus. I’ve had it close to five years now and it still looks and behaves as new. I might have already stumbled into buy-it-for-life, I don’t know