If you never lived where it snows and were moving North to where it does snow, what would you have liked to have known? What would you do to prepare?

  • BougieBirdie
    5 个月前

    I’ve lived with the snow all my life, but I can probably still offer some tips that people get caught on.

    Snow removal is a bastard. Snow’s often heavier than it looks, especially when it’s wet. If you’re doing it yourself, make sure to stretch and not to attempt it if you have a heart condition. The low temperature makes the exertion more difficult on your heart, lungs, and muscles. It’s a fantastic way to stay in shape, but I often pull something in my back with the first major snowfall.

    Winter driving bears some special consideration. Your car might need more time to warm up before it’s good to drive, and freezes will kill low batteries. Traction is poor, and even with a light layer of snow it can be very difficult to drive uphill. You often need a running start, and around here sometimes you just can’t make it to the top. Be prepared by knowing alternate routes, and by keeping an eye out for other drivers that might start rolling back towards you.

    People often get stuck in the snow, so it’s important to be prepared. There’s two types of roadside emergency kits that you should be prepared to use. One is for attempting to get your car out of the snow, and the other is for survival if you can’t get unstuck. People more qualified than I could tell you what should be in them, but warm clothing and blankets are a must. If you have enough fuel, you might think that you could run the car all night to keep warm. But be warned that might not always be an option, and if the snow is piling up it can cause your exhaust to back up and asphyxiate you.

    Walking in snow requires a higher level of exertion. It’s harder on your muscles, and stabilizing on packed snow might cause you to use some unfamiliar muscle groups. Again, it’s a great way to stay in shape, but if you’re not prepared for it you can quickly have a bad time. If the snow is particularly deep, you might be interested in snowshoeing or skiing. These are easier than clomping through the snow, but again, they’ll be unfamiliar muscle groups and require some practice.

    I would do some research to see what level of snow removal your destination city does. Some places are super accessible, some plow only roads and leave sidewalks buried, and some places you’re snowbound for months at a time. I personally find it quite cozy to be snowed in, but it can become a serious problem if you’re not prepared for it.

    This one’s probably subjective, but I find it important to keep separate Winter and Autumn outerwear. We’re at the time of year now where we’re starting to see some freezing temperatures, but it’s nowhere near what it’ll be in a couple months’ time. If you’re coming from a hot climate, you might be tempted to put on your warmest clothes as soon as it’s colder than you’ve been in your life. But then when it gets even colder than that, you’ll be happy to have something warmer to add to it.

    Find something fun to do in the snow. If you’ve never seen snow in person before, I understand it’s often a magical feeling. But once you live with it for a long time, the magic can fade, and the inconveniences can mount. Having something to look forward to with the snow sometimes makes all the difference between Winter Wonderland and Frozen Hellscape. Whether that’s tobogganing, skating, or snowball fights, you’ve got to do something to keep up the morale in the winter months.