A few minutes ago I suddenly woke up , I didn’t sleep well

At the beginning everything was normal , then I blinked and …

The lighting suddenly became more yellow (and unnatural) and the closet I was looking at turned into a frightening and shocking appearance (the closet itself, it was vandalized in a way that I can’t even remember to describe). I remained in shock for three or four seconds, then I found myself closing my eyes tightly ( it was an involuntary reaction ), and when I opened my eyes again, everything returned to normal.

This is the first time in my life that this has happened to me

So … any scientific explanation?

Thanks in advance

  • dandelion
    7 months ago

    Sleep paralysis may include hallucinations, such as an intruding presence or dark figure in the room.

    Had this happen when I was a teenager, and it was terrifying. I started to scream and woke everyone in the house up. Of course my parents decided it was caused by what I liked to read and banned my pleasure reading.