@cupcakezealot@FatTony In our time, yeah. Probability is about motive, and right now they have strong motive, based on their distorted understanding of reality.
Half a century ago, it was more often lefties calling in threats. In both cases, the motive is to cause disruption, confusion, and sometimes fear. People on the extreme left are not very different in both motives and goals from people on the extreme right; they differ more in which unrealistic or misinformed ideologies they champion.
@cupcakezealot @FatTony In our time, yeah. Probability is about motive, and right now they have strong motive, based on their distorted understanding of reality.
Half a century ago, it was more often lefties calling in threats. In both cases, the motive is to cause disruption, confusion, and sometimes fear. People on the extreme left are not very different in both motives and goals from people on the extreme right; they differ more in which unrealistic or misinformed ideologies they champion.