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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • LXTerminal.

    I don’t know if increasing the font size counts as customization. I’ve got old, tired eyes.

    Transparency is also turned on, which I think I did with compton. It was a long time ago and seems to persist through Debian’s dist upgrades.

    It’s worth adding that the entire LXDE suite is great software. It just works. I hope I don’t have to give it up any time soon.

  • I’m a Canadian who started school when the change happened. Grade two, 1977: new rulers!

    I think it’s fair to say that we all ended up hybridized. Some things I measure intuitively in metric, others in imperial.

    People’s height? feet and inches.

    Grocery weights? pounds. If it’s in Kilograms, I quickly convert it.

    Grocery volumes (Milk, dairy products, shampoo, basically anything purchased in a container)? litres.

    Gasoline? Gallons or litres. Either is fine. But fuel economy is mpg.

    Temperature? Celsius outdoors, Fahrenheit indoors. We had an old thermostat when I was growing up.

    Carpentry measurements? Inches.

    Wrenches? whatever fits!

    Distances? It took a long time, probably fifteen years, but at some point, I stopped converting kilometres to miles. Now I just think in kilometres.