• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2024


  • I can definitely see how that would be jarring and how, without knowing the backstory, it might look bad and be frustrating for existing Lemmy folks.

    She’s an influencer and media personality who has gained fame and wealth by lying, manipulating, exploiting her children for content, plagiarizing bipoc creators and blaming her bipoc content editor for it (thereby ruining her career), among other things. Her fraudulent behavior is no different (I’d argue worse) from the likes of Jay Shetty (google him if you don’t know who he is or what he did). She’s the latest in a long line of grifting influencers who are abusing their power, taking advantage of their position and exploiting their followers. The difference is that she’s Canadian. Our laws around social media and advertising aren’t as clear (and where they are she’s blatantly disobeyed them), add to that, our mainstream media has protected her from those who’ve tried to expose her grift and silenced/intimidated anyone who’s tried to speak out.

    Our Reddit sub was taken down due to claims of “copyright infringement”, which is unfounded because no one has tried to steal her work and pass it off as their own. The mods have made an appeal. While at first glance it may seem like “shitting on her” the sub has been more devoted to investigation, posting proof of her lies, etc than just snark for snarks sake. She’s hurt, manipulated and let down a lot of people, stole intellectual property and employment from people, and they’re understandably upset that their voices have been silenced.

  • Healthy is up for debate, I’m sure, but yep they 100% don’t fully dissolve. I had my tear troughs (under eyes) done years ago and the filler didn’t break down so my body kind of created a protective barrier around it so after a couple of years there was a roll that sort of bunched up when I smiled. It wasn’t hideous, just looked like I had puffy eyes but still not a cute look. Went to three different clinics before someone identified it and told me it needed to be dissolved. All the others wanted to put more in and claimed there was NO WAY it could still be in there, even after I showed them the medical journals telling them they were wrong.

    I think it’s only natural to want to slow the aging process (in moderation) but having the right injector is everything because a lot of them are just pushers trying to give a specific look because it’s trendy, or doing whatever their clients want whether it suits their face or not. PS, as a nurse you can get ”qualified” in filler in 4-6 weeks which is not nearly enough IMO. Yet another way corporations get away with turning women into collateral damage bc they need faces to inject their product into. And yes men and non binary ppl get filler too but the vast majority of beauty pressure around aging is placed on women.

    But I digress. With her ladyship, this level of obsession with staying young can be an indication of failure to fully individuate or actualize as an adult human. Which is sad but understandable for someone who had kids so young. I really saw that in the video of her crying about not getting complimented on her jaw anymore and in the way she’s so psychoemotionally attached to the SI gig. Still, it’s the hypocrisy I find so troubling. It kinda seems like she stumbled on (ahem stole) a way to get attention that’s made her “famous” and she’s going to keep milking the body pos cow because it gets her airtime, no matter who she hurts in the process.