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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2024


  • yes those were idiotic wars with their own share of atrocities but at least there some propaganda veneer to tell public they were the good guys and US at least pretend to follow rules of war.

    Israel is straight up savage and proud to the point where most common sense people can’t stomach esp if they have to support this shit with their own labour.

    Telling y’all, American taxpayer is going to be held as complicit for this as Waffen-IDF death squads debacle. I hope israel’s right to genocide is worth it for the domestic supporters…

    Or they going to do another switcheroo like they did with Iraq and Afghan wars?

    So much support back then, now can’t find any one who supported it back then around 🤡

  • I aint never shy to talk shop on some tinfoil but no that’s not what we got here.

    "Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals and their advisors rely on our expertise and experience in this area. The firm’s highly qualified professionals work together as one team in over 55 offices worldwide.

    The concept of residence and citizenship by investment was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day."

    These clowns literally shill for the rich because that’s their clients… learn how to check your sources and their bias, dear.

  • According to traditional sources, Aisha was six or seven years old when betrothed to Muhammad,[94][95][96][97] with the marriage being consummated when she reached the age of nine or ten years old whilst she still played with dolls.[98][b] In the commentary of the Sahih Bukhari it is written that, “Playing with dolls is forbidden in Islam, but it was allowed for Aisha at that time, as she did not yet reach the age of puberty.”[106] Beginning in the early twentieth century, Christian polemicists and orientalists attacked what they deemed to be Muhammad’s deviant sexuality, for having married an underage[c] girl; acute condemnations came from the likes of Harvey Newcomb and David Samuel Margoliouth while others were mild, choosing to explain how the “heat of tropics” made “girls of Arabia” mature at an early age.[108][114] While most Muslims defended the traditionally accepted age of Aisha with vigor emphasizing on cultural relativism, the political dimensions of the marriage, Aisha’s “exceptional qualities” etc., some — Abbas Mahmoud al-Aqqad in Egypt and others[d] — chose to re-calculate the age and fix it at late adolescence as a tool of social reform in their homelands or even, mere pandering to different audiences.[108][115][e]

    In the late-twentieth century and early twenty-first century, opponents of Islam have used Aisha’s age to accuse Muhammad of pedophilia, as well as explain a reported higher prevalence of child marriage in Muslim societies.

    Don’t get me started on the current Muslim practices…

    Before you start spazzing… this aint Islam specific as we can see Catholic church is notorious pedo org too.

    With that being said, I am sorry bad facts hurts your feelz dear.

  • Got to face reality that most people won’t have more than 2-3 kids AND that’s only if they feel economically secure and got enough free time to do it, ie live on 1 income.

    Current economic regime is 69 hour work weeks while barely breaking even on the bills.

    No way to tell why nobody can break replacement level 🤡

    But hey we got government and tech bros who will help US!!!

    This bullshit remind me of the mental health workships at work… way to fucking miss the point “leadership”