Now that is a good quote
Hmm, good idea. In my case it was a career that would allow me to move back to my home country (which I had to leave when I was a child). I’ll have a think about alternative ways to reinforce the identity that this path gave me.
not the other way around which is how this kind of feels.
In some ways it strike me that you seemed to see yourself as the future state person that you wanted to be rather than who you are.
Yeah, that seems to be the way my brain has been hard-wired to look at it rn :-( I will try to take a step back and reassess. I just have to find a way to detach myself from whatever my future plan will be which is hard.
Yes, it was a career with moving back to my home country (which I had to leave when I was a child) attached to it.
Thank you, this reply helps. You’re right, my post was quite vague, and I didn’t want children or found I was sterile, but the advice given to those people would actually perfectly fit my (completely different) situation too.
Good insight
This is niiiiiice
HOME - Resonance
in some cases
Ahh, yes, Royksopp does go well with this
This sounds eye openingly Putin-esque
I think one way to make capitalism suck less would be abolishing publicly owned corporations. Having shareholders to please creates pressure to grow the company’s value even when there is no good reason to. I think it would be far better if companies stayed as family owned mom and pop shops and weren’t allowed to snowball.
Remember that the only reason for the enshittification of Reddit is that it’s doing an IPO. Likewise, I recently noticed that the company that owns my local mini golf course is publicly traded. Since the course has already been built there is no room for meaningful growth and any attempt to grow the company’s value by turning visits into an ‘experience’ or a ‘package day out’ will irritate people like me who are just looking to pay to use a barbones course.
Agreed. Capitalism is a horrible master but a good slave. Just like we regulated the other forces of nature (like fire) to harness them in our favour, so should we harness market forces to work for us.
What a fucking edgelord
Wtf. Is that them carrying their shopping?
Hehe happy to hear
Don’t forget