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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I hate to rain on y’all’s parade, but the US measure of literacy is much more stringent than China’s. America is counting literacy as the ability to use print materials like brochures and manuals fluently, the rest of the world just bases literacy on the ability to read a handful of test sentences in a controlled testing context. That’s the reason that America appears to have gone down as well, they switched literacy measures. The 79% measure is people who are “at or below level 1 literacy”, meaning it counts people who met level 1, people who didn’t meet level 1, and people who couldn’t even take the test at all because of a language barrier or disability.

    I’m all for dunking on America but the apples to apples here would be comparing America’s 96% (just excluding those below level 1) to China’s 97%. Historical materialism requires a true material basis to work.

  • The new study was based on cultivation theory, a theoretical framework that suggests heavy television viewing can contribute to the development of an authoritarian mindset. Television dramas often emphasize individual and heroic actions, including violence, to solve problems and protect against perceived threats. Cultivation theory argues that television, even in non-political programming, can subtly shape cultural attitudes and beliefs, potentially creating a climate conducive to the rise of leaders like Trump.

    This sounds like great man theory and hyper-individualism, not “authoritarianism”

    To measure authoritarianism, the researchers used a four-item scale called the Authoritarian Child Rearing Values scale. Respondents were presented with pairs of desirable qualities and asked to choose which quality they considered more important for a child to have. The first answer in each pair indicated an emphasis on autonomy, while the second answer reflected more authoritarian values.

    so they asked people if they raise kids like conservatives, and then conservatives said “yeah”, and then instead of identifying that they just made a test for conservative values, they decided it was a test for authoritarianism?

    “My child should be required to read about the history of slavery and the civil rights movement” and “My child should be punished for refusing to be accepting of their LGBTQ+ friends” are both authoritarian stances that conservatives would have answered hard-no to. You could have flipped the finding of the study by using questions that imply progressive authority instead of conservative authority. The only way they could have got results like this is by pretending that the only authoritarianism comes from the conservative right.

  • I think this is more complicated than a “enemy of my enemy is my friend” deal, Russia is finding an ally in Belarus because of their proximity to NATO. They don’t exactly hold all the same ideological lines. That, and Russia isn’t exactly fighting Nazism first, they’re just fighting NATO encroachment and justifying it with the convenient fact that there happen to be Nazis in Ukraine to make the war sound good domestically and to make NATO look bad. Russia is just playing the self-preservation game like any other Capitalist country does.

    Besides if they were actually against Nazism in every instance, they wouldn’t be buddy buddy with Belarus.

  • This is a really good argument until you learn that mass shooters are less than one in a million but child sexual abusers are more than one in a hundred, despite there being tens of millions of FPS players and probably only hundreds of thousands of CSAM consumers in America. It’s a catchy gotcha but it completely fails to hold up under material scrutiny.

    Mass shootings and child sexual abuse are very different things, and so are CSAM and video games. You would benefit from losing some of the reductivism you’ve got there.

  • Hi friend, it’s not my instance and not my business, but have you considered that lemmy maybe doesn’t have the userbase to support the number of highly niche and specific communities you’ve been making lately? I’m concerned that our own /c/gaming in total is probably getting less posts than an /r/rpclipsgta would get on Reddit. This, in my mind, will kind of make lemmy look like a ghost town, with hundreds of empty comms at less than one post per month, posts which would all probably fit in and be voted up in their relevant umbrella communities, until we get our userbase up and actually start experiencing crowding in those umbrella communities. Have you considered things from this angle?