Jocular ditties with an acoustic guitar, electronic meanderings with portly beats (I never got the hang of phatt ones), occasional widdles and whammy dives.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Hi,

    I watched that video a few days back and drowned in nostalgia, though I was an Amiga chap rather than an ST one.

    Has the SH-32 arrived yet?

    I’ve had a look at Chapter 8 of the manual, Using the SH-32 with External MIDI Devices, the MIDI Implementation sheet1 and the Sound On Sound review:

    Per the Sound On Sound review:

    Real-Time Control Over MIDI

    The SH32 transmits much of its control panel information in real time, and you can select whether it does so using MIDI continuous controllers or SysEx messages. You can even allocate an ID to the unit so that, if you have multiple SH32s, you can control each of them separately. This is excellent, and allows you to record knob twiddles and other changes in real time, and then recreate the performances using an external sequencer.

    Given the amount of information that can be sent from/received by the SH-32 it could take a lot of setting up in the DAW but there doesn’t seem to be much that the DAW couldn’t control.

    1 They’re both available on the Roland website: