the cheese is under the sauce
hell yeah am i ready for lemmy beans 2 the beanening
but you can fend them off with this cast iron pan, good combo!
reese’s puffs cereal shreds the roof of your mouth and makes you taste like you’re bleeding (because you are) i don’t exactly dislike it but it can’t be good for the children. the little demons get a taste for blood and suddenly you’re next
hi there foo. what kind of fancy Windows Microsoft are you running over on that there laptop
he was adopted but he is very sweet and cuddly and charming but also a real absolute jerk of a boy and i will dedicate one of the myriad pets he got from me as from you
thanks is pouring from me. please accept my liquid gratitude
also a picture of a cat i know
he was sleeping in this one
when you do not sit with your butt exactly on the chair and at least two feet firmly planted on the floor you will get accused of bisexuality
i don’t really accept the apology. 196 is not the mod team and you clearly do not have the capacity to maintain a community. please leave and do not come back to LBZ. i enjoying having my funny little people on my phone here and you have not been very funny so kindly stop the car because you are an underage driver. let someone who does not hit curbs or go up a one way street take the wheel thanks also please let the door hit you on the way out