In my defense, my family of origin revolved around a cookie cutter Atlas Shrugged minor villain dad - gaslighter, business cheat and mooch, compulsive womanizer - so Atlas Shrugged’s heroes were the fantasy I needed when I read it. I knew I wasn’t a “John Galt” so I tinkered with a dutiful Eddie Willers identity for a bit. Some good still came out of it - I got interested in philosophy as a respectable formal academic topic, and outgrew the fantasy.
This is your opportunity to decide for yourself, just how often is a reasonable frequency of check-ins? Maybe he’s intentionally playing hard-to-get, maybe he’s underconfident and fearful of initiating, mistaking passivity for being “chill” / approachable.
Initiating check-ins should feel somewhat evenly shared. If there are also other red flags this early in the getting-to-know-you stage, then yes just honor your intuition and leave the ball in his court. When I was dating, I checked in the day after a date, and then every 2-3 days thereafter. If you both have full schedules then maybe a week? You’re not a bad person if a week between check-ins is too little connection for you.